Monday, June 1, 2009

Day 6

-          Today we got up to start off with some sandwiches from a suggested place of Pomme Au Pain.  We ate at little steps next to the Hotel de Ville where we also enjoyed a small tennis sporting area, where kids and exhibition matches were/would take place.  We moved down towards the River and got onto the Batobus, to take a tour through la Seine, and get off near Notre Dame to tour the Archeological Crypt, which runs below the Notre Dame.  Due to a Holiday we didn’t know about, the crypt was closed, we then continued with our plan to take the Batobus to Champs Elysee, where we walked past the Grand and Petite Palace, then past the shops lining Champs Elysee.  We passed four movie theatres, and the original Louis Vuitton.  After visiting the Arc De Triomphe to take more pictures, we hopped onto the open tour bus and made our way back to Notre Dame.  All in all it was a busy day, but one that we still had fun, and allowed us to do and see things we hadn’t before.  For anyone that is interested, I tried to show/get pictures of the detail laid in to the decorations of the Arc.  It really is insane to see a lot of the detail in something that large, and then to remember that it’s all made out of stone.  The streets, and all of the landmarks, were insanely busy and we didn’t quite understand why until we looked up once we got back to the apartment.  Apparently, most of Europe celebrates Whit Sunday (not white) and with it, Whit Monday, which is some religious holiday whose date is based off of Easter.  Once back in our nearby area, we ate some dessert crepes at our favorite creperie, and then (dare I say) went to McDonald’s for some greasy burgers.  Also enjoyed at the McDonald’s was a Croque McDo, which is a very very thin (really pressed down) sandwich, which has ham and white cheese, between two slices of different bread (not buns).  It was really good, and well worth the extra five euro cents.


Steph’s additional comments:

The Batobus was a neat way to get around. Not terribly speedy (especially the second time we got on – we had to wait for the 3rd one to come by, the line was so long) but more relaxing than walking and much better view than the metro. We didn’t do too much that day, but we saw a lot of the city!

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